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Clock and Timing
Image Part CAD Models Manufacturers Description Price Datasheet Lead Free RoHS Total Items: 974
LMK04033BISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $5.6923 10 $5.5785 100 $5.4077 1000 $5.2369 10000 $5.0092 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK04031BISQE Texas Instruments - 1 $5.8273 10 $5.7108 100 $5.5359 1000 $5.3611 10000 $5.128 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK04011BISQE Texas Instruments - 1 $3.0 10 $2.94 100 $2.85 1000 $2.76 10000 $2.64 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK04031BISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $5.9869 10 $5.8672 100 $5.6876 1000 $5.508 10000 $5.2685 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK04010BISQX Texas Instruments - 1 $23.0 10 $22.54 100 $21.85 1000 $21.16 10000 $20.24 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK04010BISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $5.9077 10 $5.7895 100 $5.6123 1000 $5.4351 10000 $5.1988 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK04001BISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $10.0 10 $9.8 100 $9.5 1000 $9.2 10000 $8.8 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK04000BISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $3.3231 10 $3.2566 100 $3.1569 1000 $3.0572 10000 $2.9243 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03806BISQE Texas Instruments - 1 $26.0 10 $25.48 100 $24.7 1000 $23.92 10000 $22.88 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03806BISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $5.3846 10 $5.2769 100 $5.1154 1000 $4.9538 10000 $4.7385 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03328RHS Texas Instruments - 1 $44.667 10 $43.773 100 $42.43 1000 $41.09 10000 $39.31 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03200ISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $6.6 10 $6.468 100 $6.27 1000 $6.072 10000 $5.808 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03200ISQE Texas Instruments - 1 $6.3461 10 $6.2192 100 $6.0288 1000 $5.8384 10000 $5.5846 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03033CISQE Texas Instruments - 1 $17.367 10 $17.019 100 $16.5 1000 $15.98 10000 $15.28 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03033ISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $2.0 10 $1.96 100 $1.9 1000 $1.84 10000 $1.76 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03033CISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $17.367 10 $17.019 100 $16.5 1000 $15.98 10000 $15.28 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03002ISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $2.265 10 $2.22 100 $2.15 1000 $2.08 10000 $1.99 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03002CISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $1.32 10 $1.2936 100 $1.254 1000 $1.2144 10000 $1.1616 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03001ISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $21.0 10 $20.58 100 $19.95 1000 $19.32 10000 $18.48 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03000ISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $13.918 10 $13.64 100 $13.22 1000 $12.8 10000 $12.25 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK03000CISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $15.75 10 $15.435 100 $14.96 1000 $14.49 10000 $13.86 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMK02000ISQ Texas Instruments - 1 $10.0 10 $9.8 100 $9.5 1000 $9.2 10000 $8.8 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMH1983SQ Texas Instruments - 1 $65.167 10 $63.863 100 $61.91 1000 $59.95 10000 $57.35 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMH1983SQX Texas Instruments - 1 $34.148 10 $33.465 100 $32.44 1000 $31.42 10000 $30.05 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMH1983 Texas Instruments - 1 $65.167 10 $63.863 100 $61.91 1000 $59.95 10000 $57.35 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMH1981MTX Texas Instruments - 1 $6.3 10 $6.174 100 $5.98 1000 $5.8 10000 $5.54 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMH1980MMX Texas Instruments - 1 $1.1077 10 $1.0856 100 $1.0523 1000 $1.0191 10000 $0.9748 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMH1981MT Texas Instruments - 1 $4.3754 10 $4.2879 100 $4.1566 1000 $4.0254 10000 $3.8504 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LMH1980MM Texas Instruments - 1 $1.1385 10 $1.1157 100 $1.0816 1000 $1.0474 10000 $1.0019 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
D1038 Will Semiconductor - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
D1034 Will Semiconductor - 1 $43.333 10 $42.467 100 $41.17 1000 $39.87 10000 $38.13 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
D1032 Vishay - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
MAX3674ECM LAPIS Semiconductor - 1 $26.878 10 $26.341 100 $25.53 1000 $24.73 10000 $23.65 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
MAX24605EXG LAPIS Semiconductor - 1 $19.2 10 $18.816 100 $18.24 1000 $17.66 10000 $16.9 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
B8815 Cypress Semiconductor - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
MAX262 Maxim Integrated - 1 $0.998 10 $0.978 100 $0.95 1000 $0.92 10000 $0.88 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1099U Maxim Integrated - 1 $2.167 10 $2.123 100 $2.06 1000 $1.99 10000 $1.91 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1091LUA-033 Maxim Integrated - 1 $0.647 10 $0.634 100 $0.61 1000 $0.59 10000 $0.57 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1090U Maxim Integrated - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1088L Maxim Integrated - 1 $1.753 10 $1.718 100 $1.67 1000 $1.61 10000 $1.54 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1087L Maxim Integrated - 1 $2.718 10 $2.664 100 $2.58 1000 $2.5 10000 $2.39 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1086L Maxim Integrated - 1 $0.6554 10 $0.6423 100 $0.6226 1000 $0.603 10000 $0.5768 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1085L Maxim Integrated - 1 $1.667 10 $1.633 100 $1.58 1000 $1.53 10000 $1.47 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1085 Maxim Integrated - 1 $4.588 10 $4.4963 100 $4.3586 1000 $4.221 10000 $4.0375 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1080LU Maxim Integrated - 1 $1.908 10 $1.87 100 $1.81 1000 $1.76 10000 $1.68 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1077 Maxim Integrated - 1 $2.555 10 $2.504 100 $2.43 1000 $2.35 10000 $2.25 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
DS1077L Maxim Integrated - 1 $5.713 10 $5.599 100 $5.43 1000 $5.26 10000 $5.03 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
D1081 Analog Devices, Inc. - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
F4108 Analog Devices, Inc. - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
LQ Analog Devices, Inc. - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
1 5.6923
10 5.5785
100 5.4077
1000 5.2369
10000 5.0092
1 5.8273
10 5.7108
100 5.5359
1000 5.3611
10000 5.128
1 3.0
10 2.94
100 2.85
1000 2.76
10000 2.64
1 5.9869
10 5.8672
100 5.6876
1000 5.508
10000 5.2685
1 23.0
10 22.54
100 21.85
1000 21.16
10000 20.24
1 5.9077
10 5.7895
100 5.6123
1000 5.4351
10000 5.1988
1 10.0
10 9.8
100 9.5
1000 9.2
10000 8.8
1 3.3231
10 3.2566
100 3.1569
1000 3.0572
10000 2.9243
1 26.0
10 25.48
100 24.7
1000 23.92
10000 22.88
1 5.3846
10 5.2769
100 5.1154
1000 4.9538
10000 4.7385
1 44.667
10 43.773
100 42.43
1000 41.09
10000 39.31
1 6.6
10 6.468
100 6.27
1000 6.072
10000 5.808
1 6.3461
10 6.2192
100 6.0288
1000 5.8384
10000 5.5846
1 17.367
10 17.019
100 16.5
1000 15.98
10000 15.28
1 2.0
10 1.96
100 1.9
1000 1.84
10000 1.76
1 17.367
10 17.019
100 16.5
1000 15.98
10000 15.28
1 2.265
10 2.22
100 2.15
1000 2.08
10000 1.99
1 1.32
10 1.2936
100 1.254
1000 1.2144
10000 1.1616
1 21.0
10 20.58
100 19.95
1000 19.32
10000 18.48
1 13.918
10 13.64
100 13.22
1000 12.8
10000 12.25
1 15.75
10 15.435
100 14.96
1000 14.49
10000 13.86
1 10.0
10 9.8
100 9.5
1000 9.2
10000 8.8
1 65.167
10 63.863
100 61.91
1000 59.95
10000 57.35
1 34.148
10 33.465
100 32.44
1000 31.42
10000 30.05
1 65.167
10 63.863
100 61.91
1000 59.95
10000 57.35
1 6.3
10 6.174
100 5.98
1000 5.8
10000 5.54
1 1.1077
10 1.0856
100 1.0523
1000 1.0191
10000 0.9748
1 4.3754
10 4.2879
100 4.1566
1000 4.0254
10000 3.8504
1 1.1385
10 1.1157
100 1.0816
1000 1.0474
10000 1.0019
1 43.333
10 42.467
100 41.17
1000 39.87
10000 38.13
pb RoHs
1 26.878
10 26.341
100 25.53
1000 24.73
10000 23.65
1 19.2
10 18.816
100 18.24
1000 17.66
10000 16.9
1 0.998
10 0.978
100 0.95
1000 0.92
10000 0.88
1 2.167
10 2.123
100 2.06
1000 1.99
10000 1.91
1 0.647
10 0.634
100 0.61
1000 0.59
10000 0.57
1 1.753
10 1.718
100 1.67
1000 1.61
10000 1.54
pb RoHs
1 2.718
10 2.664
100 2.58
1000 2.5
10000 2.39
1 0.6554
10 0.6423
100 0.6226
1000 0.603
10000 0.5768
1 1.667
10 1.633
100 1.58
1000 1.53
10000 1.47
1 4.588
10 4.4963
100 4.3586
1000 4.221
10000 4.0375
pb RoHs
1 1.908
10 1.87
100 1.81
1000 1.76
10000 1.68
pb RoHs
1 2.555
10 2.504
100 2.43
1000 2.35
10000 2.25
1 5.713
10 5.599
100 5.43
1000 5.26
10000 5.03
pb RoHs
<< < > >>

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