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Logic - Gates and Inverters
Image Part CAD Models Manufacturers Description Price Datasheet Lead Free RoHS Total Items: 1696
74LVC11D-T Nexperia - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HCT30DT Nexperia - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HCT20D-T Nexperia - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC05PW-Q100 Nexperia - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC00D-Q100 Nexperia - 1 $0.0459 10 $0.0449 100 $0.0436 1000 $0.0422 10000 $0.0404 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC00D652 Nexperia - 1 $0.0452 10 $0.0443 100 $0.043 1000 $0.0416 10000 $0.0398 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74AUP2G06GW Nexperia - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74AHC08DT Nexperia - 1 $0.083 10 $0.082 100 $0.08 1000 $0.08 10000 $0.07 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74LV08PW-Q100 Nexperia - 1 $0.0554 10 $0.0543 100 $0.0526 1000 $0.0509 10000 $0.0487 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC3G06DC Nexperia - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74AUP1G08GN Nexperia - 1 $0.306 10 $0.3 100 $0.29 1000 $0.28 10000 $0.27 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74ALVC08BQ Nexperia - 1 $0.35 10 $0.343 100 $0.33 1000 $0.32 10000 $0.31 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74AHCT1G00GV125 Nexperia - 1 $0.162 10 $0.159 100 $0.15 1000 $0.15 10000 $0.14 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74AHC02PW-T Nexperia - 1 $0.0674 10 $0.066 100 $0.064 1000 $0.062 10000 $0.0593 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74AHC02D-Q100 Nexperia - 1 $0.335 10 $0.328 100 $0.32 1000 $0.31 10000 $0.29 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HCT3G06DC Nexperia - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC02BQ115 Nexperia - 1 $0.105 10 $0.102 100 $0.1 1000 $0.1 10000 $0.09 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74AUP1G02GF Nexperia - 1 $43.0 10 $42.14 100 $40.85 1000 $39.56 10000 $37.84 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74AHC00PW-T Nexperia - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC02RM13TR STMicroelectronics - 1 $17.0 10 $16.66 100 $16.15 1000 $15.64 10000 $14.96 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC04RM13TR STMicroelectronics - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74V2G00 STMicroelectronics - 1 $4.2 10 $4.116 100 $3.99 1000 $3.864 10000 $3.696 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HCU04RM13TR STMicroelectronics - 1 $9.0 10 $8.82 100 $8.55 1000 $8.28 10000 $7.92 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC20B1 STMicroelectronics - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC132RM1 STMicroelectronics - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC10B1R STMicroelectronics - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
M74HC86B1 STMicroelectronics - 1 $0.0923 10 $0.0905 100 $0.0877 1000 $0.0849 10000 $0.0812 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
M74HC30B1 STMicroelectronics - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
M74HC10B1 STMicroelectronics - 1 $0.25 10 $0.245 100 $0.24 1000 $0.23 10000 $0.22 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
M74HC08B1 STMicroelectronics - 1 $0.1077 10 $0.1055 100 $0.1023 1000 $0.099 10000 $0.0947 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HCT08N652 NXP Semiconductors - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74AHC30BQ/S505 NXP Semiconductors - 1 $0.833 10 $0.817 100 $0.79 1000 $0.77 10000 $0.73 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74LVC08APW/DG+118 NXP Semiconductors - 1 $0.0467 10 $0.0458 100 $0.0444 1000 $0.043 10000 $0.0411 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HCT02D/C NXP Semiconductors - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74LVC11PW/S400 NXP Semiconductors - 1 $0.0443 10 $0.0434 100 $0.0421 1000 $0.0407 10000 $0.039 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HCT20N NXP Semiconductors - 1 $0.37 10 $0.3626 100 $0.3515 1000 $0.3404 10000 $0.3256 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HCT00N652 NXP Semiconductors - Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC20D652 NXP Semiconductors - 1 $0.1215 10 $0.1191 100 $0.1154 1000 $0.1118 10000 $0.1069 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC00PW118 NXP Semiconductors - 1 $0.0948 10 $0.0929 100 $0.09 1000 $0.0872 10000 $0.0834 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC7266D-T NXP Semiconductors - 1 $44.0 10 $43.12 100 $41.8 1000 $40.48 10000 $38.72 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC1G08GV125 NXP Semiconductors - 1 $0.036 10 $0.0353 100 $0.0342 1000 $0.0332 10000 $0.0317 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74F10DT NXP Semiconductors - 1 $45.0 10 $44.1 100 $42.75 1000 $41.4 10000 $39.6 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74LS27MX Fairchild Semiconductor - 1 $0.167 10 $0.163 100 $0.16 1000 $0.15 10000 $0.15 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74LS02SJ Fairchild Semiconductor - 1 $17.0 10 $16.66 100 $16.15 1000 $15.64 10000 $14.96 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74LS04PC Fairchild Semiconductor IC INVERTER 6CH 1-INP 14DIP 1 $0.1077 10 $0.1055 100 $0.1023 1000 $0.099 10000 $0.0947 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74VHC132F Toshiba - 1 $0.186 10 $0.182 100 $0.18 1000 $0.17 10000 $0.16 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC03AP Toshiba - 1 $1.0 10 $0.98 100 $0.95 1000 $0.92 10000 $0.88 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC20AF Toshiba - 1 $10.0 10 $9.8 100 $9.5 1000 $9.2 10000 $8.8 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
74HC10AP Toshiba - 1 $0.167 10 $0.163 100 $0.16 1000 $0.15 10000 $0.15 pb RoHs View Get Quotation
MC849P Motorola NAND GATE, TTL, PDIP14 Get latest price! pb RoHs View Get Quotation
1 0.0459
10 0.0449
100 0.0436
1000 0.0422
10000 0.0404
1 0.0452
10 0.0443
100 0.043
1000 0.0416
10000 0.0398
1 0.083
10 0.082
100 0.08
1000 0.08
10000 0.07
1 0.0554
10 0.0543
100 0.0526
1000 0.0509
10000 0.0487
1 0.306
10 0.3
100 0.29
1000 0.28
10000 0.27
1 0.35
10 0.343
100 0.33
1000 0.32
10000 0.31
1 0.162
10 0.159
100 0.15
1000 0.15
10000 0.14
1 0.0674
10 0.066
100 0.064
1000 0.062
10000 0.0593
1 0.335
10 0.328
100 0.32
1000 0.31
10000 0.29
1 0.105
10 0.102
100 0.1
1000 0.1
10000 0.09
1 43.0
10 42.14
100 40.85
1000 39.56
10000 37.84
1 17.0
10 16.66
100 16.15
1000 15.64
10000 14.96
1 4.2
10 4.116
100 3.99
1000 3.864
10000 3.696
1 9.0
10 8.82
100 8.55
1000 8.28
10000 7.92
1 0.0923
10 0.0905
100 0.0877
1000 0.0849
10000 0.0812
1 0.25
10 0.245
100 0.24
1000 0.23
10000 0.22
1 0.1077
10 0.1055
100 0.1023
1000 0.099
10000 0.0947
1 0.833
10 0.817
100 0.79
1000 0.77
10000 0.73
1 0.0467
10 0.0458
100 0.0444
1000 0.043
10000 0.0411
1 0.0443
10 0.0434
100 0.0421
1000 0.0407
10000 0.039
1 0.37
10 0.3626
100 0.3515
1000 0.3404
10000 0.3256
1 0.1215
10 0.1191
100 0.1154
1000 0.1118
10000 0.1069
pb RoHs
1 0.0948
10 0.0929
100 0.09
1000 0.0872
10000 0.0834
1 44.0
10 43.12
100 41.8
1000 40.48
10000 38.72
1 0.036
10 0.0353
100 0.0342
1000 0.0332
10000 0.0317
1 45.0
10 44.1
100 42.75
1000 41.4
10000 39.6
1 0.167
10 0.163
100 0.16
1000 0.15
10000 0.15
1 17.0
10 16.66
100 16.15
1000 15.64
10000 14.96
1 0.1077
10 0.1055
100 0.1023
1000 0.099
10000 0.0947
1 0.186
10 0.182
100 0.18
1000 0.17
10000 0.16
1 1.0
10 0.98
100 0.95
1000 0.92
10000 0.88
1 10.0
10 9.8
100 9.5
1000 9.2
10000 8.8
1 0.167
10 0.163
100 0.16
1000 0.15
10000 0.15
<< < > >>

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